Exchanges & Visits

Visit and Discussion with the Singapore Institute of International Affairs Delegation
01-19-2023 新加坡國際事務學會(Singapore Institute of International Affairs)訪問團一行五人由該學會戴尚志(Simon Tay)會長率領,於本(112)年元月13日來本院拜會,田院長率國防大學中共軍事研究所荊元宙所長及本院蕭銹安董事及郭育仁執行長等接待訪團並進行座談,雙方曾就東協展望、我與東協國家關係、兩岸關係及美中競爭下台灣如何因應等相關議題進行座談,賓主充分交換意見,成果豐碩。
President Tien Hung-mao Met with Former Senator Dodd and His Delegation
04-16-2021 INPR Chairman and President Dr. Tien Hung-mao met with former Senator Dodd and his delegation

Chairman and President Dr. Tien Hong-mao of the Institute for National Policy Reach, arranged by the American Institute Taiwan, met with former Senator Christopher Dodd, ex-Deputy Secretaries of State Richard Armitage and James Steinberg, and the accompanying U.S. delegation today and had a pleasant gathering.



Delegation of Academics from Stanford University Visits INPR for Exchanges and Cooperation


Dr. Hung-mao Tien, President of the Institute for National Policy Research, received the Delegation of Academics from Stanford University, led by Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, Director of the U.S.-Asia Security Initiative at the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, and discussed matters of mutual concern on March 20th, 2019 in a close-door meeting.

President Tien receives KINU delegation


The delegation of the Korea Institute for National Unification, (KINU), led by President Yeon Chul Kim, visited the Institute for National Policy Research, (INPR) on January 24th, 2019 for exchanges as well as initiating future cooperation.


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