Domestic Issues

Expectations of Taiwan's New White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy

The Covid-19 outbreak since 2020 has led to international border closures, restricted trade and travel, as well as a gravely wounded global economy. A global shortage of ICT chips came about because of disrupted supply chains. Taiwan, however, was able to hold its ground as a significant ICT chips exporter due to effective pandemic prevention measures. Taiwan then amazed the world with its generous donations of pandemic prevention materials such as face masks to other countries. Later on, when Taiwan needed vaccines this year, those who used to be beneficiary countries became fervent vaccine donors to Taiwan. Unexpectedly, Taiwan gained a renewed round of attention from the world henceforth. Many have realized for the first time that Taiwan is a democracy very different from China.


The Tsai administration proclaims, "Taiwan can help, and Taiwan is helping." But under the current global environment, Taiwan's 2009 version of White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy founded on political purpose and diplomatic consideration is no longer pertinent. It is time for the government to update the white paper with renewed concepts more in line with international trends and sustainable development goals propelled by the United Nations and infuse the "Taiwan brand" concept promoted by NGOs and enterprises.

Flawed Democracy?A reflection on Taiwan’s democratic development

Having evaluated democratic systems in particular states, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), introduces the term of “Flawed Democracy” to indicate that democratic systems have shown faults in various aspects. Compared to “Full Democracy,” 

12-04-2020 進入21世紀,轉瞬也邁入20年了。由今日台灣法制建設觀之,大抵呈現進展迅速態勢。尤其自1990年代民主化以降,隨著總統直選與國會全面改選,黨國威權體制開始崩解,法制建設更臻健全。只是也不諱言的是,迄今若干領域裡,相關法律規範破舊殘敗,不忍卒賭。其中,有關宗教團體法制的嚴重缺漏,更讓人憂心忡忡。
Trump’s Ten Arms Sales to Taiwan, Military Rebalance in the Taiwan Strait
11-20-2020 In the course of the Trump administration for the last four years, not only has the number of arms sales reached ten times, but the quantity and quality of weapons sold have also exceeded the previous standards over the past 40 years. The purpose of arms sales is to counterbalance China's expanding military power in the Taiwan Strait.
Government-Civil Society Partnership to Promote the SDG 17 in Taiwan: Policy Review and Action Recommendations
12-27-2019 Adopted by the United Nations in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are enacted as a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity by 2030.
12-27-2019 中華民國不對稱的國家實力與國際地位在國際政治史上可能是絕無僅有,台灣艱難的國際處境除因兩岸在國際場域不對等的競逐外,國內兩極化的政黨政治對外交的污名化以及多年來僑務工作推動的偏差,均使得讓台灣的對外關係更難推動,
Elevation and Transformation of US Arms Sales to Taiwan
08-28-2019 After Trump administration announced selling 108 M1A2T Abrams tanks to Taiwan in July, another green light on the sale of 66 F-16V fighter jets is expected to ensue in September.


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